During this timeframe we apply a pre-emergent / fertilization application. The combination of the two generally is completed by April. The timing is really important to suppress any unwanted seed germination and to jump start the turf. During this time we also work on eradicating any of the broadleaf weeds that may have popped up during the fall and early spring. Again with the combination of broadleaf weed control and pre-emergent application, we can help to produce a beautiful lawn for your property.
This is the time for another fertilizer application. We use a well-balanced slow release fertilizer and may customize the ratios to suit the needs of the property. This is generally applied in June to keep the turf looking healthy through the summer months. At this time we will also perform a broadleaf weed application on any necessary areas.
During the summer we do not treat your yard because of the heat and dry air. However, we do continue to inspect your yard and other landscape for any insect or disease, etc. so that, if necessary, we can make an emergency treatment to maintain your investment.
Late summer brings another round of fertilizer and a broadleaf weed control application. It is important to do another round of fertilizer application at this time of the season to help your lawn recover from the stress of the hot summer and encourage strong root growth. We also do another round of broadleaf weed control application to help eradicate any weeds that may have developed over the summer.